
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Next Club Meeting

Alright, so the next meeting for next Wednesday will only be for the club's officers. We pretty much need to figure out what to put on the club's constitution and how to run the VP sections. I will make an announcement to let all the other members know that they do not need to go to the next meeting. Thanks for being a part of the club! See you next wednesday guys!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


sorry guys, wont be able to get the shirts done in time for tomorrow, but they will be given to you next meeting. Poster looks alright. Just found out that the beatles rockband is not an E rated game, it is in fact a teen game. But I will just bring it anyway. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our Vice Presidents!

VP for Xbox 360 - Eric
VP for PC - John
VP for PS3 - Alejandro
VP for Other Games - Sam  (-.-)

We will be having a club meeting this Wednesday to finish up our ideas for club rush.


Hey guys!

Sorry for not posting up anything recently, but the date for our club rush is this Thursday. I will be posting up the official VPs soon. Those who are VPs, if you can, could you please donate 5 dollars to me so that I can buy and make you VP Gamers for Life T-shirts to wear on club rush day.

On that note, I will be making the clubs banner and flyers. Anyone else who is bringing something to help out, please comment and tell me what your seriously bringing. Don't comment if you are unsure or might flake out. Thanks!
